The success of Proyecto Alcatraz depends to a great extent on the strategic alliances it establishes. Aside from the support of the Mayor's Office of the Revenga Municipality, the Alberto Vollmer Foundation, the World Bank, The Minister of Interior and Justice, Minister of the President’s Secretary, AC Faoundation Venezuela sin Límites, Renault, Public Defense of Aragua, EPA and the Caracas Stock Exchange; Proyecto Alcatraz counts with the solid support of the Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF or Andean Development Corporation) through the Office of Culture and Community Development. Today, we invite you to join The Proyecto Alcatraz alliance network.

. C.A. Ron Santa Teresa
. Alberto Vollmer Foundation
. FundaciÓn Santa Teresa
. CorporaciÓn Andina de Fomento (CAF)
. Alcaldía del Municipio Revenga
. Banco Mundial
. Bolsa de Valores de Caracas
. Nike de Venezuela
   ANCIANOS (Sana)
. Alliance For The Family
Coming Soon!
. Distribuidora Eterna C.A.  
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